About VE7QNX
VE7QNX is the callsign that I use for unattended amateur radio projects.
443.375 +5.000 MHz T100.0
IRLP Node 1337
The repeater is located in Gibsons, BC and serves the Gibsons area. I have not tested it with anyone on Vancouver Island yet.
The repeater is a Harris Alpha 2000. Dave Cameron, VE7LTD (IRLP), put the repeater together for me. It has a built in 12V to 5V converter for the Raspberry Pi that controls the repeater and provides access to the IRLP network.
The duplexer is a Sinclair Res-Lok duplexer.
The repeater is currently running on a power supply as my solar charge controller is acting up.
Future Projects
I am slowly working on getting a packet server and APRS Igate up and running.